
Never judge a book by its movie.

J.W. Eagan

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 6 #14 Technorati or was that Teletubbies?

I created and account with Technorati, I claimed my blog, and made some tags. It is a great way to get data especially for a college student. I liked the desktop widget tool. All this technology has been very difficult for me to understand. I feel like I am stretching the limits of my brain cells!



fluffy dharmaface said...

dear fellow blogger,
did you ever get lolcat figured out? it took me a looooooong time to get that to work. the cartoon captioner site was easier tho. i miss seeing you on sunday...hope our paths cross again soon!

ctechnonot said...

Hello fluffy,
I did finally get that one done, but not without a tremendous amount of confusion and effort!! I miss seeing you on sundays also...I have quite a few lined up, so i am sure we will cross paths eventually...have a great weekend!...:-)